Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Essential Aspects of Pantomime

Essential Aspects of Pantomime What were the essential aspects of pantomime and how have they come down to us in the present day? Although it is currently most commonly seen as a peculiarly British pastime, pantomime in fact has its origins in the medieval period of European history (Lathan, 2004). Specifically in terms of tradition and heritage, pantomime as it is known today emanates from Italy and the Commedia ‘dell Arte. This Italian street festival was akin to a carnival and it managed to combine elements of parody, drama and the aesthetically grotesque in order to create a unique fusion of art and farce. The characters tended to improvise their way through a set of well‑known plots, which involved a great deal of song and dance being integrated into the Commedia ‘dell Arte routine. These medieval festivals travelled through the towns and cities of Italy and then France in the Middle Ages, which helped to create an air of familiarity between the performers and the audience who would take part in the show. This is without a doubt the most significant tradition that has survived through to the modern era whereby the audiences of contemporary pantomime are expected to know the plot and the main characters and to take part in the proceedings at designated intervals within the script. As the quotation below suggests, this marriage between the performers and the audience has been an essential part of the longevity of the pantomime because of the way in which it managed to transcend historical divisions between classes. â€Å"All were considered equal during carnival. Here, in the town square, a special form of free and familiar contact reigned among people who were usually divided by the barriers of caste, property, profession, and age.† (Bakhtin, 1993:10) The existence of a stock set of characters and plots is likewise a historical tradition of European festivals that have managed to survive in the guise of the pantomime. There are only a handful of productions that are classed as pantomime in the modern era and these productions are almost always played exclusively during the festive Christmas period, which is another connection to its carnival past. ‘Snow White’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Aladdin’, ‘Dick Whittington’ and ‘Babes in the Wood’ are high profile examples of the pantomime titles that are produced each and every year in the UK. This deep-seated sense of repetition is an important part of the pantomime tradition as it continues the dominant theme of the medieval period, which was to breed familiarity in order to secure the participation of the audience in the plot of the play. â€Å"Magic, romance, suspense and comedy are the lifeblood of most theatre performance, but there is one factor of our pantomime tradition that exists in no other theatre production. The audience has learnt its lines and rehearsing its roles every Christmas since early childhood. Every English speaking person knows that ‘Oh No, its not!’ should be answered with ‘Oh Yes, it is!’ And that villains must be booed and hissed as they lay their evil plots.† (Bicat et al, 2004:9) Furthermore, these well‑know stories that constitute the foundations of the pantomime tradition all have their roots in fairy tales, which helps to further simplify the plot and aid audience participation. Traditionally, pantomimes require a battle between good and evil. The villain has historically always been the first actor to appear on stage and always to the left, which was used to donate hell in the Middle Ages. Conversely, the hero is supposed to appear on stage from the right – the manifestation of heaven in the past. Although the remainder of the pantomime production tends to descend into farce and improvisation, these central precepts remain an integral part of the festival in the modern era with plays overseeing a duel of good versus evil before inexorably concluding with the ultimate triumph of the hero over the villain. As time passed, pantomime was inevitably influenced by the evolution of mainstream theatre and it gradually took its place as an annual spectacle to operate alongside regular theatre productions. The two (theatre and pantomime) were especially closely linked during the Restoration period (1660‑1700) when the farce of pantomime was facsimiled in the most popular plays of the age. In the process, pantomime has had to move away from the notion of an almost entirely ad hoc, ad lib production into a more formal, organised play that is able to be divided into visible scenes and segments with a running time that is in line with the lifestyles of the contemporary audience. Thus, while it is correct to underscore the inherent differences between the festive, annual element of pantomime and the intrinsically more philosophical components of mainstream and high‑brow drama, there is no longer a sense that two completely different sets of rules apply. This is an important point and one that is all too often overlooked in the analysis of modern day incarnations of the pantomime. The most pronounced change prevalent in contemporary versions of traditional pantomime resides is the way in which productions are increasingly linked with young children. Whereas the adult section of the local townspeople would have constituted the overwhelming majority of the audience in previous centuries, there is today an association between the infantile and pantomime that is a central reason as to why pantomimes have been able to survive for so long in such a commercially aggressive contemporary economic climate. Without the active participation of children it is doubtful whether pantomimes would be able to entice the requisite audiences necessary to make a profit for the impresarios. Of much greater importance, without the festive childhood memories that pantomime bequeaths, much of the interest that remains in its tradition would more than likely begin to disappear. One thing is, however, for sure. Though pantomimes remain rooted in their medieval past, they will never lose their relevance to the contemporary audience as the list of modern‑day celebrities who have taken part in productions in recent years underscores. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bakhtin, M. (Translated by Helene Iswolsky) (1993) Rabelais and His World Bloomington: Indiana University Press Bicat, T., Staines, R. and Winslow, C. (2004) Pantomime: A Practical Guide Marlborough: The Crowood Press Frow, G. (1985) Oh Yes it is! : A History of Pantomime London: BBC Books Lathan, P. (2004) It’s Behind You! The Story of Panto London: New Holland Wilson, A.E. (1974) The Story of Pantomime London: Rowman Littlefield

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Satanism :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SATANISM When people think of Satanism or anything to do with that subject, they think of evil. People who sacrifice animals, do all sorts of drugs, murderers etc. But Satanism is completely different from what people may perceive it as. Satanism is actually a religion based on finding yourself and following a moral code other than the one society has made. Satanism goes back to ancient times before the birth of Jesus Christ any of the Gods that people worship today. The religion is spreading and is gaining popularity, not just as devil worshippers, but also as a religion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Satanism is derived from the ancient Egyptian God Set, who is the Prince of Darkness. This God goes back before any of the dynasties were brought. There has been pictures that have dated back to 3200B.C. And inscriptions that date back to 5000B.C. Set is not like the image of Satan, but more of a figure of richness, subtlety and complexity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first cult began at the eastern Nile Delta and quickly spread to the borders of Egypt and Libya. Set can also be found in the Great Pyramid of Giza. It has a connection with the Setian afterlife and the solar life. Later, in the fourth dynasty Setian worship died down because of the start of solar worship. Setians’ started up again around 2000 to 1500B.C. The leader of Egypt Hyksos identified himself with Set.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pharaohs of Egypt declared Set as being mighty. Set represents the individual who through his own hard work, magical skill, and the use of the resistance of the world becomes divine (www.xeper.org). Set was almost destroyed when Christianity took over and identified Set as the modern Satan. And then bloomed during Greek time and spread as far as Great Britain. Then in 1975 the Temple of Set was founded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Temple of Set the only followers are philosophers and magicians. The people with the most power in the temple are called the power of nine which include the High Priest of Set and the Executive Director. Priest/ Priestess, Adept, Magister/ Magistra, Magus/ Maga, and Ipsissimus/ Ipsissima. Adept means that a person has mastered the art of black magic. Priests are the ones who keep the integrity of the temple. They can recognize a person for his excellence or they can expel someone for not maintaining Setian morals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Setians’ must be with the temple for a year before they can receive higher positions, most of them just stay as priests, but a few number make it to High Priests.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pulse Width Modulation Final Year Project

Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 0 Background Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a type of devices that can be used as a DC motor speed controller or light dimmer. PWM is used extensively for speed controller where power-saving application is needed. This device has been used as a motor speed control for small DC fans, for example in computer power supplies. A PWM circuits works by creating a square wave with a variable on-to-off ratio, the average on time may be varied from 0 to 100 duty cycle.The term duty cycle describes the proportion of ‘on' time to the regular interval or ‘period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100% being fully on. From this, a variable amount of power is transferred to the load. The main advantage of PWM is that power loss in the switching devices is very low. When the switch is off there is practically no current, and when it is on, there is almost no vol tage drop across the switch.Power loss, being the product of voltage and current, is thus in both cases close to zero. PWM also works well with digital controls, which, because of their on/off nature, can easily set the needed duty cycle. Additional advantage of PWM is that the pulses reach the full supply voltage and will produce more torque in a motor by being able to overcome the internal motor resistance easily. 1. 1 Objectives The objectives of this project are: 1.To develop the actual circuit of the PWM. 2. To simulate the PWM circuit in simulation software. 3. To use the PWM in order to control the speed of the DC motor. 1. 2 Methodology Start Title consideration, ideas Supervisor approval Components specifications and data sheets Proposal Drafting Proposal Evaluation Project Simulation Project Presentation Progress Report Submission END Figure 1. 2. 1 Flowchart of Methodology 1. 3 Gantt Chart 1. 3. 1 Final Year Project 1 | WEEKS|ACTIVITY| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 1 2| 13| 14| 1| Student-supervisor-panel allocation, briefing about FYP, introductions|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 2| Student-supervisor meeting arrange time, finding ideas discuss ideas, project titles|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 3| Student-supervisor regular meeting|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 4| Proposal preparation|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 5| Proposal evaluation, meet supervisor for evaluation, things to be improved|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 6| Proposal correction correct any mistakes|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 7| Project Development choose circuit, check availability simulation|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 8| Proposal and progress presentation|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 9| Progress report writing is based on progress|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 10| Progress report submission submit report|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 1. 3. 2 Final Year Project 2 Week| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| Tasks| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Buy Components |   |   |   |   | | | | | | | | | | | Construct circuiton breadboard | | |   |   |   | | | | | | | | | | Troubleshoot| | |   |   |   | |   |   | | | | | | | PCB Layout Design| | | | | |   | | |   | | | | | | PCB Layout Print| | | | | | | | | |   |   | | | | Soldering| | | | | |   |   |   | | | | | | | Final Report| | | | | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Final Presentation| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. 3. 2. 1 Aims for Final Year Project 2 1. Prepare the actual circuit diagram 2. Building and programming the PCB circuit diagram 3.Drilling the PCB and soldering the components 4. Testing the PWM circuit 5. Troubleshoot 1. 3. 2. 2 Project planning for Final Year Project 2 For the final year project 2, we have to prepare the actual circuit based on our simulation result. We will create the PCB artwork with PCB programming such as ExpressPCB, which is available for free and is surprisingly functional. Next, we have to print out the PCB artwork on a transparency. Then we cut out the printed portion of the artwork. This will define the size and shape of the PCB.To make PCBs, we can use the UV exposure method, which is only slightly more difficult than and significantly more precise than the toner transfer method. To start out, we must cut the PCB to be the same size as the outline of the PCB positive. First, we drew a rectangle the same dimensions of the PCB on the protective layer of UV Reactiv e copper covered ibreglass board, and then cut it out using a Dremel tool equipped with a diamond wheel. We have to make sure that once we have removed the board from its protective package it will not be exposed to any UV.Fluorescent and halogen lights both output enough UV light that they will expose the board through the protective layer of plastic. Next, after we cut the UV sensitive PCB to size, we are ready to expose the board. Then we remove the protective layer to size, from the PCB right before we place the positive on it, or else dust particles will attach to the board, which will mark the final PCB. To expose the PCB, first remove the protective layer, place the positive transparency on top of the board, and place it in the UV exposure box. An exposure time of 10-11 minutes is recommended.Now we need to drill holes in the PCB for the through-hole components. Finally, we have to solder all the components through-hole components. If the final result is not achieved when tes ting the final circuit, we have to run troubleshooting and find out the problem. Then, we solved the problem based on the troubleshooting after we identify the real problem. Chapter 2 Circuit Design and Operation 2. 1 Schematic diagram Figure 2. 1. 1 Schematic Diagram of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) To Control DC Motor Speed. 2. 2 Circuit operation 2. 2. 1 Flow Chart and Description Input Signal DC wave) ? IC NE556 Output Signal (Square wave) LM311 Comparator Potentiometer ? IC NE556 Output Signal (Modulated Square wave) IRF 521 DC Motor Figure 2. 2. 1. 1 Circuit Operation Flowchart The input signal is fed into first half of IC NE556. The IC NE556 will generate square wave. The wave will then go to the second half of IC NE556 and been modulated. Potentiometer will control the second half IC to produce the desired output. A modulated square will be generated from the second IC. This wave of current will be amplified by IRF521 and then went to the motor and spin it.The DC motor speed will depends on the magnitude of the current. Chapter 3 Project Progress 3. 0 The Project Progress and the Project Outcomes The first stage of the progress is building the circuit for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit. Then, the best circuit diagram is chosen for our project. A preliminary literature review about our circuit had also been done. In this project, two of the LM556, Dual 556 Timer TTL IC were used to simulate the PWM circuit. The first IC allowed the possibility to generate square wave while the second IC allow modulation variation.Other than that, several problems were encountered when simulating some part of the circuit. This is due to incomplete library component of the simulation software such as the lack of LM556 IC in the first place. This was because the wrong type of licence of the software was selected. After a few trials and some changes of the circuit diagram for simulation, and with the right licence for the software, the PWM circuit was successfully simulated. Figure 1. 1 Expected DC square wave (output) Results Input Signal of 1st half of IC NE556 Output Signal of 2nd half of IC NE556Calculation from theory: Thigh= 0. 7(RA+RC)C Thigh= 0. 7(1M+1K) (0. 05 µ) = 0. 035s/35ms Tlow= 0. 7 RB C Tlow= 0. 7 (1K) (0. 05 µ) = 3. 5Ãâ€"10-5s/ 0. 035 ms Values from simulation: Thigh= 38ms Tlow= 42  µs/ 0. 042 m Input Signal of 2nd half of IC NE556 Output Signal of 2nd half IC NE556 (A=0%, B=0%) (A=0%, B=10%) (A=0%, B=50%) (A=0% B=100%) Calculation from theory: Thigh= 1. 1 RA C Rated Current From Simulation (A=0%, B=0%)I=45. 842mA(A=0%, B=10%)I=132. 953mA (A=0%, B=50%)I=406. 541mA(A=0% B=100%)I=4. 121A Table of Motor Speed Slow| Speed| Fast| 0%| Value of Potentiometer B| 100%| 0. 2077ms| T high (ON time)| 7. l79ms| 132. 95mA| Rated Current| 4. 121A| 12V| Rated Voltage (Constant)| 12V| Since voltage is constant, the higher the current supplied, the faster the motor would spin. Chapter 4 4. 0 The Problems Encountered CASE 1 – FIND ING SUITABLE SIMULATION SOFTWARE The PWM circuit uses two of LM556 IC. The first LM556 will convert DC input signal into square wave. Before doing the hardware of the project, the software need to be simulated first to check whether the circuit diagram is correct or need some adjustment.Because of this, finding the suitable simulation software had become a problem encounter to finish the project. List below show example name of other simulation software that can be used to run any the software simulation for the project; 1. TINA 2. OrCAD Capture 3. PROTEUS All of the other simulation software above can be use to run the simulation for this project but some of them were not suitable. As an example the TINA software were not used because of the unfamiliarity and the complexity of the software.The project also cannot be simulated using the OrCAD Capture since there were a large number of library which does not have simulation installed. This make it unsuitable since this project requir ed to be simulated. Meanwhile PROTEUS software was not used because of the difficult interface that complicate the user or in other words not user-friendly. CASE 2 – WRONG LICENCE OF SIMULATION SOFTWARE After MULTISIM had been installed, a situation was encountered where the library components are not complete or some of the components are not available.If this problem prolonged, the circuit cannot be designed in the software. Some measures had been taken to find the solution but the problems still persist. There are some types of licence that accompanied for MULTISIM, which are: 1Power PRO Edition 2Full Edition 3Student Edition 4Education PKG Edition 5Base Edition At first, the Full Edition licence was installed. When the circuit was being designed, a lot of components were unavailable. Every aspect of the software was checked, but no problem related to the software was detected. The MULTISIM software was cleanly installed in the computer. . 1 Solutions for Every Problem CAS E 1 SOLUTION – USE MULTISIM SOFTWARE The simulation can be done by using simulation programmed like TINA, Proteus, or OrCAD Capture. Unfortunately, all of these simulation programmed mentioned above have problems as explained before. Without a proper simulation, it is hard to detect any problems that exist in the design of the circuit. Finally, MULTISIM is chosen as the simulation program. MULTISIM was suitable for simulation of the Pulse Width Modulation circuit. MULTISIM has all the required components in its component library.Hence, all the components can be place in the circuit to complete it. Simulation can be done easily by using MULTISIM. All the results being cleared by using this programmed. Expected results are the PWM wave which will control the motor. CASE 2 SOLUTION – WRONG LICENCE OF SIMULATION SOFTWARE This problem was easily encountered by reinstalling licence of the right type. In this case, PowerPro Edition licence type was required. After it has been reinstalled, all the components are unlocked. Hence, the process of designing the circuit in the simulation software continued, and simulation process succeed.Chapter 5 Conclusion For this semester, the project progress was successful until the simulation. Hence, the simulation needs to be done correctly according to the circuit so that expected result can be obtained. The circuit diagram for PWM to Control DC Motor Speed has been successfully designed. Thus, the first objective has been achieved. The progress of the project works efficiently if the project followed accordingly to the Gantt chart made at the beginning of the project. The Gantt chart contains all the important steps that need to be followed in rder to finish the project successfully. All the steps in the Gantt chart been mentioned with respective date. Hence, there should be no problem during Final Year Project 1 when all works were being done according directly to the Gantt chart. The simulation for PWM to Control DC Motor Speed had been done by using simulation program, MULTISIM. MULTISIM provides all the necessary components to complete the simulation for the PWM circuit. Since the output should be a DC motor or a DC fan, it was replaced with Oscilloscope or Multimeter to observe the changes that occur in the simulation.This shows that choosing MULTISIM is the smart choice to run the simulation because of the advantages and the ease of use that this simulation program has. REFERENCES 1. Motor Speed Controller, retrieved from http://homepages. which. net/~paul. hills/SpeedControl/SpeedControllersBody. html 2. 4QD-TEC: Electronics Circuits Reference Archive : PWM speed control, retrieved from http://www. 4qdtec. com/pwm-01. html 3. PWM Motor Speed Controller / DC Light Dimmer, retrieved from http://www. solorb. com/elect/solarcirc/pwm1/ 4. PWM DC Motor Controller, retrieved from http://picprojects. org. uk/projects/ppc/index. htm

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sidpers - 2824 Words

STANDARD INSTALLATION DIVISION PERSONNEL SYSTEM (SIDPERS) SECURITY PLAN Gladys Turnbull Submitted to: Professor Kevin Reynolds SEC 574 Database Security Keller Graduate School of Management Submitted: 22 August 2012 Abstract: SIDPERS Security Plan developed for the Virgin Islands National Guard is procedural protection of this highly sensitive database holding the personnel records of over 960 active service members and over 10,000 retirees’ skeleton military personnel records. It is with great err on caution that we recommend and enforce the highest level of tiered defense in depth security measure to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of this data; because we know its’ compromise and/or loss will reap†¦show more content†¦Other security elements are in reference to data recovery, database administration, handling a breach in security and administrative security policies such as access procedure, employee transfer and excessive user access. As I assume the role of the chief security officer, database designer, database administrator, and chief applications designer this project is very important to the armed services and the Virgin Islands National Guard as we strive to provide global security. II. Architecture and Operating System Considerations SIDPERS Architecture The database runs on the Oracle 11g platform and the CIO has task me to prepare a responsive database security plan. If personnel data is compromise identity theft can ensue and millions of dollars will be lost in repairing the wronged individual and rebuilding soldiers’ confidence in Department of Defense commitment to protecting their private information. It is not just the soldier information stored here but every dependent information and legal responsibility of single soldiers. The Standard Installation Division Personnel System Version 3 (SIDPERS-3) is a Standard Army Management Information System developed in 1991 with more automated personnel actions than ever before. The system consists of a relational data base, application software written in Ada, and a hardware suite. The hardware architecture is a host-based design with aShow MoreRelatedA Note on SIDPERS743 Words   |  3 PagesSIDPERS SIDPERS Bug in program A bug refers to a system fault in the computer program. Bugs are traceable, and most computer users remove bugs from the system to avoiding crashing. The process by which the viruses are removed from the system is referred to as debugging. Effects of bugs on a computer can be extremely solemn in that they major glitches to its functioning. Having a bug in a program can root to stern damage to a firms system or lose of vital information about a super project. WithRead MoreAr 600 8 2 Suspension of Favorable Personel Action9062 Words   |  37 PagesTerm of Service, Expiration of Service Agreement, or Mandatory Release Date, page 10 Rules for retaining beyond ETS/ESA/MRD †¢ 2–9, page 10 Steps for retaining beyond ETS/ESA/MRD †¢ 2–10, page 10 Chapter 3 Managing Flagging Actions in SIDPERS, page 14 Section I SIDPERS Transactions, page 14 General guidance †¢ 3–1, page 14 Submitting the transaction †¢ 3–2, page 14 Entering the control data à ¢â‚¬ ¢ 3–3, page 14 Entering action data for the initial flag †¢ 3–4, page 14 Entering action data to delete an erroneousRead MoreThe Risks of Database System1059 Words   |  4 Pagesinstalling a system and tools that insert changes when necessary. 10. Incorrect Army Physical Fitness Test scores which soldier looses puts for promotion (namely All Soldiers in the ranks of SPC (E4) to 1SG (E8)). They are oftentimes incorrect since the SIDPERS clerk dont enter all the information given and dont input the total correctly of all the documentation submitted. Again, the way to deal with this includes constantly updating information and installing a system and tools that insert changes whenRead MoreS6 Standard operating procedure2469 Words   |  10 Pageswith accurate ADP architecture information to include all ADP equipment in the battalion by component, band name and model number, CPU speed, serial number, location, drop numbers, use black ASOCNET, red ASOCNET, TACLAN (laptops), DESKTOP, or OTHER (SIDPERS), and architecture paragraph number (slot filled). This information should be validated off the most current battalion property book printout, and should be verified by conducting periodic physical inventories of all ADP equipment on hand. Read MoreEssay Paper84499 Words   |  338 Pagesorganization and equipment (TOE) or table of distribution and allowances (TDA). 5 Specialist and its abbreviation (SPC) will be used in written correspondence. All Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS) transactions must be coded and entered using the preset code (SP4) until SIDPERS III is fielded. 1–7. Precedence between Soldiers and other Service members serving with the Army Members of other Services serving with the Army have equal status with Army Soldiers of equivalent grade